CAIM Policy Talks

The transition of digital technology into political discourse follows certain rules and is essential for how society embraces technological advancements and their implementation. CAIM dedicates a Policy Talks series on these processes in spring 2024.
The series "AI, Healthcare and Policy" will feature three discussion rounds on technological innovation, political discussion, stakeholders, narratives and compliance with experts from the KPM Center for Public Management, University of Bern.

The series runs Thursdays, 12.00h-13.00h at sitem-insel, Freiburgstrasse 3, first floor meeting room 01.123. There is a hybrid option for those who cannot attend in person.
Mark the below dates in your calendars and

register here


AI, Healthcare and Policy
21 March 2024

Freiburgstrasse 3, 01.123

From Innovation to Policy

Moderation: Monika Kugemann

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Prof. Dr. Fritz Sager, KPM Center for Public Management
18 April 2024

Freiburgstrasse 3, 01.123

Digitalization and Health Policy Processes

Moderation: Claus Beisbart

view the podcast

Dr. Johanna Hornung, KPM Center for Public Management
& MCID Multidisciplinary Center for Infectious Diseases
NEW DATE! 13 June 2024

Freiburgstrasse 3, 01.123

Narrative, Science and Policy Support

Moderation: Rouven Porz

PD Dr. Caroline Schlaufer,  KPM Center for Public Management
& MCID Multidisciplinary Center for Infectious Diseases

“From Innovation to Policy”
Fritz Sager

21 March 2024

Public Policy is the solution of societal problems. But what are societal problems? And how do they get on the political agenda? Is innovation a societal concern that politics must address?

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“Digitalization and Health Policy”
Johanna Hornung

18 April 2024

Digitalization and artificial intelligence do not only impact health care provision but also the processes of health policymaking. What are the interests, values, and perspectives of actors in the health sector? What chances and challenges arise? How do power relations change and how can programmatic action help to overcome resulting reform blockages?

view the podcast

“Narrative, Science and Policy Support”
Caroline Schlaufer

13 June 2024

Narratives play an important role in policy making. Narratives also have a higher influence on public opinion than scientific information. How do and should scientists communicate to influence public policy? And why are narratives helpful to build trust in new technologies?


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